low calorie and vegetarian recipies, tabbouleh salad, falafel cooking recipie

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  Below are two of our popular side dishes from our catering menu, tabuleh salad and falafel. Tabbouleh is a very healthy low calorie salad and falafel is a very tasty traditional dish from the Middle East. If you are thinking of giving our vegetarian catering a try, you've had our catering before and would like to re-create part of it to stir those memories, or if you just would like to give it a try we hope you enjoy making these delicious dishes at home.  

Tabbouleh Salad

  A fantastic and tasty Lebanese salad dish made with burghul, also known as bulgar. More nutritious than rice or cous cous, burghul is made from wheat and you can find it in most supermarkets now.   Tabbouleh Salad  
  200g fine burghul
A bunch of fresh parsley, chopped
2 spring onions, chopped
1/2 a bunch of fresh mint, chopped
4 firm tomatoes, roughly cut into 1cm cubes
1/2 cup olive oil
2 lemons, juiced
3 tbsp salt


  Boil some water and pour the hot water over the burghul, enough to cover them. Cover and allow to soak for 20 min.
Drain in a large sieve and leave to strain for an hour until all the water has come out and the burghul is soft and dry.
Mix in the remaining ingredients and serve. Best eaten on the same day
  Falafel   The national dish of Israel, this is a tasty filling vegetarian dish usually served in a pita bread pocket with salad, hot sauce, tahini and houmous.  
    1 kg chick peas soaked in water for 2 days*, drained
1 garlic, crushed
2 onions, finely chopped
1 bunch fresh coriander, chopped,
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp cumin
1 tbsp sweet paprika
1 tbsp hot paprika
Pinch of black pepper
Frying oil
      *change the water the chick peas are soaked in twice a day (morning and night)  
  Mince the chick peas in a blender or mincer till it resembles fine breadcrumbs and sticks together.
Mix in all the other ingredients except the oil.
heat up the oil to medium high heat, in the mean time create balls of the mixture using two table spoons.
When the oil is hot fry the balls till golden, then remove with a slotted spoon and place on some kitchen paper to remove excess oil.
best served warm with pita bread and a tahini salad.

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Harem Nights - Low calorie and vegetarian recipies, tabbouleh salad and falafel cooking recipie.